Extra Strength CBD- Is It Right For You

For those of you who are looking to get started with our CBD products, you may be wondering if starting out with Extra Strength CBD is the right move. Maybe you’ve tried other CBD products in the past and found that you needed a higher dosage to accomplish your health goals, or perhaps you already have an established routine with our Regular Strength products, but new stressors or wellness woes have popped up in your life. Whatever the reason may be, we’d love to share some tips for when it may be time to explore Extra Strength CBD as an option for your daily routine!

Considering extra strength CBD

Extra Strength CBD

Here at Equilibria, we currently offer two Extra Strength products – our Extra Strength Daily Drops (1500mg/30mL) and our Extra Strength Daily Softgels (25mg each). First, it’s helpful to understand the differences between Regular and Extra Strength products. What makes our Extra Strength products, well, “extra”, is not only a higher amount of CBD, but also a more robust terpene profile! Compared to our Regular Strength Daily Drops, which offer 10mg/1ml of CBD, our Extra Strength Daily Drops deliver 50mg/1ml and feature extra terpenes which work synergistically to help boost the beneficial properties of the CBD. Similarly, our Extra Strength Daily Softgels also include additional terpenes and provide 25mg of CBD per capsule, versus 10 mg of CBD each Regular Strength Daily Softgel offers. Now that we’ve explored our Extra Strength products and how they compare to our Regular Strength products, how can we go about determining whether they’d be a good fit for your daily routine?


While we may often think that more must mean better, that’s not the case when it comes to your CBD routine! It’s less about how much CBD you take, and more about finding YOUR optimal dose! Our average member’s daily CBD dose typically varies between 10mg-70mg per day!  If 10mg of CBD each day is working well for you, there’s no need to mix it up! However, if you find yourself taking 40mg or more of the same product for each dose, you may want to consider the jump to Extra Strength. 

Extra Strength CBD can be beneficial for individuals who are:

  • currently taking more than two of our RS Daily Softgels (>20mg) each day
  • currently taking more than two full droppers of our RS Daily Drops (>20mg/2mL) each day
  • looking to make the switch to our CBD products and currently using more than 20mg of full-spectrum CBD dailyExtra Strength CBD

Before choosing  Extra Strength CBD, we always recommend first getting started with our Regular Strength products and giving them a try for at least a month — the reason being: CBD takes some time to compound in the body and as a result, its effects tend to be more subtle during the first few weeks of getting started. In fact, many of our members often notice the best results from their routine around the 1-3 month mark! At first, some members may start their CBD routine thinking they may need to make the switch to Extra Strength CBD, only to find the results they were hoping for from Regular Strength CBD when staying consistent with their products and allowing some time for the effects of their routine to maximize. Additionally, CBD has a biphasic effect, meaning that too little or too much CBD can both be ineffective for accomplishing your health goals. As a result, it’s important to stay consistent with your CBD routine and give it some time to develop before making the switch to a higher dosage, just to further safeguard that you’re not actually using more CBD than your body needs!

That’s not to say Extra Strength isn’t a great fit for more complex health goals or for your unique body chemistry! However, it’s best to start by assessing whether or not your Regular Strength CBD products are doing the trick. We’d love to share some questions you can ask yourself to get a better idea of how your CBD routine is progressing! Journaling regularly to track your progress with your routine can be beneficial for understanding the subtler ways your routine may be working:

  • Are you noticing fewer interruptions at night? 

You may not sleep through the entire night, but if you previously woke up 3-4 times per night and now only wake up a couple of times, this can be an indication that your CBD routine is starting to work!

  • Are you noticing any improvements in managing your stress levels?

For many of our members, the change can be as simple as noticing that they’re less reactive to situations that usually cause an increase in stress (e.g., picking up kids from school, social interactions, travel, etc).

  • Have you noticed improvements with stiffness, soreness, and overall discomfort and tension? 

Again, we’re looking for small, incremental changes that indicate your routine is headed on the right path! We likely won’t see maximized benefits from a CBD routine right out the gate, but over time, these smaller improvements tend to snowball.

Lastly, if you’re considering making the switch to Extra Strength CBD, we highly recommend connecting with one of our Dosage Specialists for further guidance! Many members have found making the leap to Extra Strength products to be ideal for their personalized CBD Routine!

Extra Strength CBDConsult with Certified Wellness Coaches

For anyone who is established with our Regular Strength products and considering Extra Strength, scheduling a Wellness Coaching Session can be a great way of figuring out what’s working with your current routine and identifying the areas where you could use more support. You can set up your complimentary Wellness Coaching Session by logging in to your account and visiting www.myeq.com/wellness. For those who are just getting started with CBD, connecting with one of our Certified Wellness Coaches over email can be a great option for determining the best products and starting doses for your new routine! To get started, you can always reach out to us at wellness@myeq.com.