Search Results for: sleep

The EQ Challenge: Sleep Edition

This 3 week challenge is designed to offer inspiration in order to help you revamp your wellness routine and focus on your own personal hormone health! Read more

Science 101: The Science of Sleep

In this article we’ll tackle the following questions: what is sleep, why do so many people struggle with it and, perhaps most importantly, how can we get our sleep patterns back on track? Read more

EQ Sleep Primer

Our EQ Sleep Primer is a simple, straightforward guide to banishing insomnia and unlocking the quality sleep you crave! Read more
Does CBD oil help with sleep?

Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep?

Whether it’s due to discomfort, stress, overwhelm or all of the above, many of us struggle to achieve the rest we desire and you might be considering the benefits of cannabidiol, or CBD to help. But does CBD oil help with sleep? Read more
Sleep Tips: Try These 4 Steps To Improve Your Sleep

Sleep Tips: Try These 4 Steps To Improve Your Sleep

These days, the stress and demands of everyday life can make it difficult to manage a good night’s sleep. But how important is quality sleep, really? The short answer: much more than you might think. Read more
How good sleep benefits your quality of life

How Good Sleep Benefits Your Quality of Life

Research shows just how integral sleep is to our overall well-being. Here, we explain several ways sleep can benefit your quality of life — and how adding CBD to your routine could support your efforts to get better Z’s. Read more

Happy National CBD Day!

This CBD Day, we’re paying homage to our roots by highlighting our beloved CBD-focused products, with a personal letter from EQ’s co-founder! Read more

Common Causes of Low Energy – And What You Can Do About It

Low energy levels are something that many people struggle with throughout their lives. Sometimes the reason for our low energy level is obvious, but other times it can take a little bit of work figure out the root cause. Read more

Energy In the Human Body: What Is It?

When it comes to our health, “energy” is a term that comes up often. Many of us can easily make a list of things that deplete our energy, but what does energy really mean when it comes to the human body?  Read more

How to Get Your Butt to Bed

For most people who struggle to get their butt to bed, a combination of psychological, environmental and physiological factors are at play. Read more