The Science of Multitasking

The Science of Multitasking

In a world where our to-do lists never seem to get shorter, we are constantly thinking about all of the things we need to get done, and how to get them done as quickly and efficiently as possible. But, is multitasking really helping us live up to our full potential, or is it actually killing our productivity and focus?  Read more

Happiness, It’s A Science

What does it mean to be happy? Are happy people better off in life? These types of questions led researchers to start exploring the impact of happiness through a more scientific lens. Read more

Why Wellness?

Sick of being bombarded by “wellness” everywhere you turn? You’re not alone. BUT, before you write it off completely, we’re here to explain what it really is, and why you should care.  Read more
sexual health and sleep

Sexual Health and Sleep

When you think about all of the facets of your health and wellness that CBD can support, you may not be thinking about your sexual health. Women’s sexual health can be complex and is affected by a number of different contributing factors, including the amount and quality of sleep that you get. Fortunately, EQ is here to support women’s health with a holistic, science-based approach to wellness.  Read more
5 Ways to Better Your Sexual Health

5 Ways to Better Your Sexual Health

Sexual health does not have to be elusive, and is something you can work on any day of the week. Not sure where to start? Check out our health tips below to learn more about how you can improve your sexual health!  Read more

Why You Should Add CBD to Your Wellness Routine

Introducing CBD into your daily wellness habits can complement everything you’re already doing — and help make some of it even more effective.  Read more
Habit Stacking: How to Build Healthy Habits

Habit Stacking: How to Build Healthy Habits

Here at Equilibria, we understand the importance of maintaining a regular routine, especially when it comes to CBD. If the hectic summer schedule has taken a toll on your routine, habit stacking may be a great way to get back into the swing of things! Read more
Quickly Reduce Stress With These 5 Easy Steps

Quickly Reduce Stress With These 5 Easy Steps

Having a go-to set of steps to take in order to minimize the effects of heightened stress can help you navigate your way through these times, helping you to return to a calm, well-balanced state of mind. Read more
How To Support Your Mental Health With CBD

How To Support Your Mental Health With CBD

Taking steps to maintain our mental health is key to living a long, happy and healthy life! If you are looking for some ideas and suggestions our Member Education team is here to support you. Read more
6 tips to keep your stress levels low

6 Tips To Keep Your Stress Levels Low

There is only so much the CBD itself can do to keep your stress levels low through high stress times. When it comes to managing stress and getting good sleep, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just as important as following a daily, consistent CBD routine.  Read more